Agir ensemble

Join the REMPART movement
Doing civic service

Managing a worksite
Engaging with Europe

REMPART is a heritage and popular education association, a citizens' movement open to all. Our volunteer workcamps, our training courses, ourvolunteer placements , our integration projects, our educational workshops, our events... give everyone the opportunity to play an active role in passing on our heritage .It 'sthanks to your interest that our heritage lives on! It'sthanks to your involvement that our actions make sense!

REMPART and you

Involvement in associations makes you feel useful to others and to yourself. Whether you're working, retired or still studying, REMPART offers you several ways to get involved, depending on your availability and wishes.

Would you like to spend a useful vacation? Take part in a volunteer workcamp! There are no special skills or age limits. Would you like to make a long-term commitment? Join an association!They need your skills.

Each and every one of you can play a part in passing on our heritage.

I want memorable cultural experiences

Whatever your age, you can take part in our cultural activities: free, guided or evening visits, shows, Escape Game, ... or discovery workshops. You can also take part in volunteer workcamps or internships, accessible without any particular skills.

Disabled, I want memorable cultural experiences

Committed to inclusive heritage action and promoting access to culture.REMPART is committed to creating and revitalizing social ties through cultural and heritage initiatives that promote living together in a truly inclusive society where everyone has their place.

To be found, volunteer on a construction site

Joel, 22, tells us about his journey: from an uncertain future to a career in which he is now thriving.

I'm in charge of an association

Do you work for heritage restoration and want to build bridges between people? Join the Union and benefit from the strength of a national network open to the world to enhance your associative project.

I'd like to pass on my know-how

Whether you're working or retired, put your skills to good use on our volunteer workcamps and help pass on traditional know-how. Every year, the network recruits specialists to ensure the quality of the work carried out.

Denis, Carpenter and REMPART technical supervisor

Annabelle, 24, tells us about her career change, how she was inspired by a REMPART workcamp and how her job became a matter of course.

I am an elected official in my community

Built or natural heritage is a vector of civic energy that contributes to the economic and social prosperity of a region. REMPART can help you restore and promote a heritage site to enhance the appeal of your community.

I am the owner of a protected monument

Enhance your heritage with official signage for buildings, gardens or furnishings protected as "Historic Monuments", "Remarkable Heritage Sites" or "Remarkable Gardens".

Benjamin, Mayor of Saint-Perdoux (Lot)

Joel, 22, tells us about his journey: from an uncertain future to a career in which he is now thriving.

I teach or advise on orientation

Whether it's through EAC activities, classroom interventions or heritage trips, REMPART can work with you to facilitate the acquisition of skills or the understanding of concepts, from kindergarten to university. Use our fun and informative tools, which offer a gradual discovery of heritage professions, and suggest little-explored career paths to the young people you advise.

I work in a social structure

The actions carried out by the REMPART network promote autonomy, commitment, mobility and self-fulfilment among young people. Volunteer workcamps enable young people to acquire skills and know-how that are real assets in their professional careers. For more than 10 years, Action Patrimoine & Lien Social has been giving young people the opportunity to gain valuable work experience.

Isabelle or Mélissa, Mission Locale advisor

Joel, 22, tells us about his journey: from an uncertain future to a career in which he is now thriving.

I support the REMPART Union

Working with the network
Contribute to the project
Financial assistance