Village of Vézelay

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  4. Village of Vézelay

Vézelay, one of the most beautiful villages in France, perched at an altitude of 300 m dominates the Morvan to the south and the cure valley to the north. This medieval village, surrounded by ramparts is crowned by a basilica, a masterpiece of Romanesque art, listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Place of pilgrimage since the Middle Ages, Vézelay keeps an intense religious activity with the community of the monks of Jerusalem, and remains an important stop on the way of Saint Jacques de Compostela.

The city has charming streets and alleys with its shops, artisans, artists, museums, wine cellars to visit, its restaurants where it is good to stroll.

The ramparts which go around the city over 2 km include 5 towers including the magnificent Porte Neuve currently restored. This very romantic walk offers magnificent views of the entire hilly countryside, with its crops, its vineyards, its forests.


Member association in charge of the organization

Vie et patrimoine à Vézelay

Marie-France Kannapell
Association Vie et Patrimoine à Vézelay
27 rue St Etienne
89450 Vézelay

Location : 89450 Vézelay / Bourgogne-Franche-Comté / France