Indre Histoire d'Iles

Indre Histoire d'Iles

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Indre Histoire d'Iles
Rue de la Gare
44610 Indre

The commune of Indre consists of three ancient rocky islets, located 8 km downstream from Nantes in the Loire estuary. The Indre Histoire d? Îles association has been committed since 1996 to the preservation of a unique site in Europe: an eighteenth-century tidal mill, built for boring the cannons of the Royal Manufacture of Indret (1777) . Fifty years later, the embankment workshop was converted into a chapel, then a parish church. The associative project of Indre Histoire d? Îles is to rehabilitate and enhance this site which was, in its time, the first industrial establishment in the region.

Indre Histoire d? Îles organizes educational workshops with schools to discover the territory, based on themes and content developed in partnership with teachers.